Why Is My Husband Not Attracted to Me Anymore: My Husband Doesn’t Love Me As Much As I Love Him
Why is my husband not attracted to me anymore - My husband doesn’t love me as much as I love him.
There comes a time in every marriage that one side questions if the other side still loves them. After all, the hardships of daily life can take their toll on everything and make the partners distant. I was in a similar situation - I thought "my husband isn't attracted to me anymore, what can I do about it?" Yes, our marriage wasn't going very well but I was determined to make my husband fall in love with me a second time. And I was able to do it - so here are my advices for you.
"My Husband Isn't Attracted to Me Anymore"
The first thing you need to consider is your role in the relationship. Quite often this role changes over the course of the marriage. You are practically sharing your life with your husband - and this includes the hardships and frustrations of your daily life. Moreover, when children arrive, things change altogether. Now, you are a mother, and your husband is a father. It could be the case (and often is the case) that you are not focusing on your husband anymore in favor of doing things as a family. This could mean that you are now a mother more than a wife - and this has a big impact on how your husband perceives you, and thus, how much he is attracted to you. Yes, you are a mother but this doesn't mean that romance has to die.
How to Change Your Role and Shift The Dynamics
When I was feeling "my husband isn't attracted to me anymore", I was later taught that I need to focus upon him to show him that the romance in our relationship didn't have to die. I arranged things to do together, and alone. Seeing a movie, having a picnic, etc... these simple actions, as I later saw, had a huge impact on bringing me and my husband together. So you should also do that and show your husband that your "romantic partner" side is alive and there.
Do you want to learn the secret to a devoted marriage? How do those couples do it? How do they stay together for 10, 20, 30 years…and still feel that love, connection, and unbreakable desire for each other? The secret is revealed on the next page. So if you feel like your marriage is about to take its last few breaths, then I urge you to visit the next page: Click Here Now!
Love is essential in any marriage. When the love wanes, then it would seem like the marriage has lost its legs to stand on. Perhaps your are experiencing a serious lack or absence of love in your marriage and you are looking for ways to get back the love into the relationship. If this is the state that you are presently in, then you should try considering counseling to save the relationship. Or better still, try being your own counselor.
Some of you may be thinking this is a silly direction to take but just stop and think about it. This may be the best plan of action yet for you and your partner to resolve issues in your relationship. You and your partner are in the best position to analyze your situation as you two are the direct parties to it. Only you will be able to figure out what caused your relationship to break down and subsequently formulate solutions to save the relationship.
Most couples, when faced with a crisis in their relationship, usually let their emotions take control, marring their objectivity. If you and your partner can set aside these negative emotions, you will better be able to sort out your differences and decide on the best resolution to the problem to save the relationship.
Start by giving each other some space before talking about the issues, specially when the wounds are still fresh. Once you have individually sorted out your emotions and are ready to be objective about it, sit down and talk about it. Go back in time to identify what led to the conflict. Remember, at the start of your relationship, you both were filled with passion and zeal. You were brimming with love for each other. You were both filled with excited anticipation of what the future will bring. But at some point, all that was lost. Examining the past will enable you to identify what caused this.
Was it the day to day pressures of living that caused you to forget the passion? Have you committed sins of omission? Have you been giving enough to the relationship or have you been constantly at the receiving end thus, making your partner feel that he or she has been at the losing end? Remember love is a two-way street. Have you two been so complacent because you have been together for so long, that you have forgotten the thing that brought you two together in the first place - the undying love that you professed for each other.
Ask yourself these questions and others that may be able to bring out the cause of your rift. It is only you and your partner who would know the answers to these. Getting to the root of the problem is key and once you are able to recognize the root, then you have taken the first big step to being your own counselor and be on your way to save the relationship.
Oftentimes it is the small irritants accumulated over time that cause the major rift between couples. Maybe you both were not sensitive enough to catch these and while they were still easier to control. In recognizing the root of the problem, you are able to thresh these out and eventually resolve them.
Try being your own counselor. After all, you and your partner are the major players in the relationship and are at the best position to define the problem and formulate a lasting resolution to it. Make the effort. As your own counselor, you can look at the problem at all angles. Solutions are more lasting when these are put together by the involved parties - you and your partner.
Finally, when you have come to an agreement, be willing to make changes if needed. It is only if you are willing to do your share to save the relationship will you be able to get back the love that you seemingly lost.
You CAN save your marriage - even if your spouse says that they want a divorce.
You CAN rebuild that passion you felt for one another when you first kissed. And you can bring back that love and devotion you felt for one another when both of you said, "I love you" for the first time.
If you feel like your marriage is worth fighting for, then do yourself a favour and visit the next page that will teach you everything you need to know about salvaging the most important thing in the world: Save Your Marriage Now
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