Husband No Longer Attracted To Wife: What Should I Do If My Husband Is Not Interested In Me?
Husband no longer attracted to wife - What should I do if my husband is not interested in me?
When you have just been married, your husband will treat you with great love and tenderness. Unfortunately, this kind of treatment does not usually last as long as you would like. After some time, you may wish that your husband kept handling you in the same way. It can hurt you greatly when you discover that your husband is not as interested in you as he used to be. To make matters worse, you may assume that you will be able to recapture his interest by making simple adjustments such as changing the way you dress or even lose a few pounds. Unfortunately, this does not usually work.
More than physical attraction
Although there are a number of things you need to do in order to renew your husband's interest in you, they hardly have anything to do with your physical appearance.
This does not mean that physical attraction will no longer be important after you have stayed together for a while. However, there are many other important factors beside this. When you want to rekindle your husband's interest in you, you should seriously consider your actions more than your appearance.
Nevertheless, you should not neglect your appearance. When you begin to leave your hair unkempt or you don't seem to think much of what you wear, your husband will start wondering what is going on with you. He may even interpret it that you are not interested in him any more. Alternatively, he may see it as a way in which you do not value yourself, which will change his own perception of you.
Avoid getting irritable
One of the things that can make your husband lose interest in you is when he keeps finding you in a foul mood. If there are things that give you stress, you should find a way of solving them, as you may unconsciously take them out on your husband.
Develop your personality
If you lack a strong personality, your husband's interest will begin to wane. You need to have a strong personality and have a more positive attitude. It is nearly impossible to attract someone else when you have a negative attitude.
Do you want to learn the secret to a devoted marriage? How do those couples do it? How do they stay together for 10, 20, 30 years…and still feel that love, connection, and unbreakable desire for each other? The secret is revealed on the next page. So if you feel like your marriage is about to take its last few breaths, then I urge you to visit the next page: Click Here Now!
What is a typical day in your marriage?
Do you have regular arguments with your spouse?
Does it take just a little spark to start a major confrontation?
Do you have disagreements over the most petty things?
Are you more and more sleeping in separate bedrooms because you cannot stand lying beside each other after a spat?
In answering the above questions, be honest with yourself. Maybe, in your effort to try to save the relationship, you have tried to work out the problem by yourselves but your efforts have all proven nil. Or perhaps you have talked it over with your spouse but each conversation you have only leads to more arguments and instead of getting the issues resolved, the situation is only getting worse. You may now be feeling desperate and feeling that you will never be able to save the relationship and get back the love into the marriage.
You must realize that you are not the only one in this situation. There are countless couples out there suffering from marriage troubles and are seeking for ways to save the relationship. And some have also plunged into feelings of desperation because nothing that they do ever seems to be working.
Then where do you go if you are in this situation? Ask for marriage help and advice in if you really want to save the relationship. After you have tried everything by yourselves and nothing seems to be working, it is time to consider seeking outside help for your marriage woes. Before things really get out of hand and reach a point where nothing can be salvaged, seek help.
There a many resources available for you to tap that can help you save the relationship.
You can start with getting help from your family. Since your family knows you and/or your spouse well, they can inject some insights that can help you and your spouse delve into root cause of your problems and identify possible solutions to save the relationship.
Counseling is one and could be one of the most effective ways to deal with your problems and resolve them. Quality marriage advice from a professional can bring out the issues on the table and help you and your spouse tackle them. Having a third person who can arbitrate your discussions is one effective way of dealing with the problem in a more objective manner and yield better results in your attempt to save the relationship.
Seek advice from your pastor. He can infuse spiritual guidance in your discussions and provide inspiration to you and your spouse. Maybe a retreat will be effective for you and your spouse to enable you to search your inner self in a serene and peaceful atmosphere. A change in scene may be able to help you get away from the stresses of everyday life and give you a better perspective as you try to save the relationship with your spouse.
One of the easiest and cost effective ways is to seek help online. It is one of the most preferred ways these days. There are innumerable resources available online, from articles to ebooks. And these resources cover almost all aspects of married life and the issues couples are facing today.
But a word of caution though. Be discerning when you look for resources online. Check out the author's credentials and their success rates in resolving marriage and relationship conflicts. And by credentials we don't mean having doctorates or master's degrees in relationship counseling. The most effective methods come from persons who have been in the same situation as you are in now and have been successful when they undertook to save the relationship with their spouse.
Be more proactive today and start seeking help. It is only if you exert effort to save the relationship will you be able to reap success.
You CAN save your marriage - even if your spouse says that they want a divorce.
You CAN rebuild that passion you felt for one another when you first kissed. And you can bring back that love and devotion you felt for one another when both of you said, "I love you" for the first time.
If you feel like your marriage is worth fighting for, then do yourself a favour and visit the next page that will teach you everything you need to know about salvaging the most important thing in the world: Save Your Marriage Now
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